NodeConductor Auth Valimo ========================= NodeConductor Auth Valimo /api/auth-valimo/ ----------------- A filter backend that uses django-filter. Supported actions and methods: .. topic:: ``/api/auth-valimo/`` Methods: ``POST`` Supported fields for creation: * **phone** -- ``string`` To start PKI login process - issue post request with users phone. Example of a valid request: .. code-block:: http POST /api/auth-valimo/ HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json Accept: application/json Host: { "phone": "1234567890", } .. topic:: ``/api/auth-valimo/result/`` Methods: ``POST`` To get PKI login status and details - issue post request against /api/auth-valimo/result/ with uuid in parameters. Possible states: - Scheduled - login process is scheduled - Processing - login is in progress - OK - login was successful. Response will contain token. - Canceled - login was canceled by user or timed out. Field details will contain additional info. - Erred - unexpected exception happened during login process. Example of response: .. code-block:: javascript { "uuid": "e42473f39c844333a80107e139a4dd06", "token": null, "message": "1234", "state": "Canceled", "error_message": "", "details": "User cancel." }